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Flex System Selected as Lead Company for Localization of Key Parts for Weapon System

페이지 정보




Flex system, an aerospace and sensor system development company, recently announced that it has been selected as the lead company for the final development of the Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration's (DAPA) weapon system core component localization development support project.

The detailed development task is titled 'Integrated Multifunctional Atmospheric Information Sensor (MFP) for T/TA/FA-50'. The development period is three and a half years and the budget is 10.05 billion won. Previously, Flex system signed a final agreement with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in December 2023. 

The MFP for the aircraft is composed of a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) based pressure sensor, aircraft angle of attack (AoA) sensor, thermal control unit, control and signal processing unit, and T/TA/FA-50 interlocking unit, which have been developed over the past 22 years. The T/TA/FA-50 MFP for aircraft, which Flex System is promoting localization, is a key sensor for measuring aircraft flight altitude, speed, and climb/descent angle, and is currently monopolized by only a few top global companies such as Aerosonic and Thales.

"Based on our experience and know-how in developing air data sensors that have already proven their performance in satellite launchers and various weapon systems of the military, completing the development of an MFP for the T/TA/FA-50 aircraft is expected to contribute significantly to the localization and modernization of military power as well as the development of R&D capabilities in the aerospace field," said an official from Flex system.

Founded in September 2001, Flex system has participated in the control and instrumentation field in the Ironbird development project, an equipment that simulates the actual flight of the first domestic fighter jet, the KF-21, to pre-test and verify its performance. It also has world-class technology in the fields of measurement and control systems for the KSLV-Ⅱ (Nuri) launch vehicle test facility, unguided weapon drivers, fuse inspection equipment, development of high-precision sensors such as fuel quantity sensors for Surion and KF21, and algorithm development for signal control processing.