
Flex System practices social responsibility as
a cornerstone of the aerospace & aviation industry.

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Expanding the use of green materials
Increase use of green energy



Strengthening Labor-Corp Cooperation and Win-Win Management
Social contribution activities and support for future generations



Strengthening Ethics, Compliance, and Transparency
Building a sustainable management system and corporate value

Environment & Safety


Responding to climate change

Flex System is helping to respond to climate change by building eco-friendly energy facilities at our workplaces, including the construction of solar energy facilities at our Daejeon Factory.

Preventing Industrial Accident

Flex System is committed to preventing accidents in the industrial environment by preparing safety equipment in the workplace and providing repeated occupational safety training.

Information Security


Information Security Management

Flex System secures administrative, technical, environmental, and physical security systems and designates a chief security officer for the security management of technology and information in the defense/aviation/space industry.

Internal Information Leakage Prevention

Flex System prevents the leakage of our internal information and assets to the outside by strict management of personnel, facility, information, and communication security.

Ethics & Compliance


Focusing on Customer Value

Flex System believes that customers are the true foundation of our business and creates the best value for customers through products and services with strict quality control.

Fair Competition and Trade

Flex System respects market economic order, laws and regulations, and trade customs, and has established a procurement management system for transparent trade practices and conducts regular fair trade training.

Social Responsibility


Supporting Talent Development

Flex System is practicing corporate social responsibility to foster the future generation of the aerospace industry such as donation to university.

Supporting local communities

To fulfill our social responsibility as a member of the local community, Flex System is creating local jobs through facility investments and volunteer activities.